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FUNKYSIZE --- > La Galaxie du Funk <--- FUNKYSIZE

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 gros lot de vinyl.

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gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. EmptyJeu 13 Mai 2010, 15:47

bon mes lot sépares non pas fait d'heureux donc je mais le lot complet il y a 113 disques pour le prix de 500 euros sa fait le disque a moins 5 euros en plus du lot j'ai des 45 t une trentaines que je donnerais avec ....
le prix est ferme et a prendre sur lyon merci ...

kenny clairborne and armed gang ( brasil musix) vg++-vg++
charades-gime me a funk (us promo copie) blue parot ex-ex
dance classic kreamicle hold on - ff yellowhand ex-ex
cela -i'm in love (reed) nm-nm
toba -moving up (vinyl bleu) ex-ex
the chesnut brother - sweet little rita (reed) nm-nm
jeannie tracy- can i come over (reed) nm-nm
jagg- take time (reed) nm-nm
round robin and brinstone (reed) nm-nm
big tony -can't get enought maxi (press belge) vg++-vg++
cashmere -let the music turn you on (press canada)
fay hill-island in mymind (reed) nm-nm
t.j.johnson band i can make it good for you (uk high fashion music)
dr togo -be free (reed) na -nm
one way -shine on me (press us ) ex-ex
one way-lady (press us) ex-ex
rafael cameron -cameron's in love (press us) ex-ex
sos band -sand of time (press holland) ex-ex
sos band -on the rise(press holland) ex-ex
greg perry-it take heart (alfa records)ex-ex
phyllis st james -ain't no turning back (press usa) vg++- vg++
contrast-tantalize (reed) nm-nm
the passadenas-tribute maxi (press holland) vg++-vg++
the tramps -slipping out(press us)
don blackman-same (reed) nm-nm
jackie moore -i'm on my way (press holland) vg++-vg++
larry graham -sooner or later (press belge) pochette abime-disque niquel
karin jones -under the influence of love (reed) nm-nm
positive express -changin' times (reed) nm-nm
whispers -imagination (press france) vg++-ex
whispers - love iswhere you find it (press allemand) vg++-vg++
whispers - love for love (press allemand) ex-ex
the lastest-starting over (souled out promo) vg+-ex
glenn jones - every body love a winner (press us) vg++-ex
dynasty- the second adventure (press us) vg+-ex
dynasty-night back at cha(press allemand) ex-ex
aaron broomfield -polyphase i miss ya (reed) nm-nm
bernice watkins-let's call it a day (reed) nm-nm
rb hudmon-searching for your love (reed) nm-nm
metropole-miss manatthan - kasso dig it nm-nm (reed vinyl masterpiece)
asso don't stop - the gong's gang -gimme your love nm-nm (reed vinyl masterpiece)
ggeorge aaron-silly reason - the armed gang love shot nm-nm (reed vinyl masterpiece)
korja-my mind - rainbow team-stay nm-nm (reed vinyl masterpiece)
frank washington - ice (reed) nm-nm
mick jessup -take it easy (reed) nm-nm
lafamille -dancer (reed) nm-nm
klaps all the way you move (reed) nm-nm
purple gang -say it (reed) nm-nm
sign of the times point bank nm-nm(reed vinyl masterpiece)
starpoint -wanting you (press us) vg++-vg++
revelation-same 82 (reed) nm-nm
twennynine with lenny white-same 80 (press us)
superior elevation- get it don't stop (reed) nm-nm
fat gaines band-zorina (reed) sceller
the chilites-steppin out (press france)
starpoint -it's all yours (press us) vg++-ex
curtis hairston-same 86 (press allemand) ex-ex
stacy lattisaw-let me be your angel (press us) nm-nm
sos band-sos (press holland) ex-ex
margie joseph - knockout (press us) ex-ex
peabo bryson- don't play with fire (press us) vg++-ex
twennynine with lenny white-just like dreaming (press us) ex-ex
sos band-III (press holland) nm-nm
the keith diamond band-body talk all night rocker ( vg++-ex nom sur label)
dance master- jimmie and vella cameron -be fair to me ex-ex
maurice mcgee-do i do (ree fulltime) ex-ex
tim mabin-jimmmy jam (reed) nm-nm
desi-i want to be with you (reed) nm-nm
the midnight express show band-danger zone (reed) nm-nm
neddy smith-liberated woman - give it up (reed) nm-nm
distance-just one more kiss (reed) nm-nm
curtis hairston-summertime (reed) nm-nm
joe coleman-test drive (jazzman) vg++-ex
boeing - dance on the beat
brandi wells -watch out (press us)ex-ex
teena marie -it must be magic (press ?) ex-ex
gino soccio-closer (press us) vg++-ex
the walkers the party groove - sky's the limit (press uk) vg++-vg++
sos band -just the way you like it(press holland) ex-ex
loose ends-little spice (press us) ex-ex
new horizons -gonna have big fun (reed)nm-nm
manhattans-after midnight (press us) vg++-ex
kashif-same 83 (press us) nm-nm
the jammers-be mine tonight (rams horn) ex-ex
high fashion-make up your mind (press france) vg++-ex
manhattan-forever by your side (press us) vg++-vg++
goodie-i want be your man (press us) ex-ex
alexander o'neal-same 85 (press us)nm-nm
carl carlton-same 80 (press us) vg++-ex
tony worrell's-everything you do (reed) nm-nm
selection-same (reed fulltime) nm-nm
cliff dawson-never say i do of you don't mean it(press us) vg++-ex
alicia-same 81 (press us) ex-ex
central line-same 81 (press canada)
the jets-crush on you(press us) ex-ex
the reedings-the awakening (press holland) ex-ex
khemistry-same (reed) nm-nm
t.s monk -more of good life(press us)ex-ex
phillip bailey-continuation(press holland) ex-ex
stephanie mills-same 80 (press us) ex-ex
mc fadden and with head-movin on(press holland) nm-nm
gene dunlap-party in m(press us) vg++-ex)
gene dunlap-tired of being a nice guy (press france) vg++-ex
pleasure-give it up (press france) vg++-ex
con funk shun-seven (press us) vg++-ex
full force-same 85 (press uk) ex-ex
crown heighs affair-think positive (press france)vg++-ex
debbie trusty-searching for some lovin'(press us west end) vg++-ex
galaxxy featuring ron aikens-same 82 (reed) nm-nm
rainbow team- same 81 (reed)nm-nm
rainbow team-a song for you (reed) nm-nm
orlando johnson and trance-turn the music (reed) nm-nm
gloria scott-what am i gonna do (reed)nm-nm
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Expert Funkysizer
Expert Funkysizer

Nombre de messages : 663
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2005

gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. EmptySam 15 Mai 2010, 12:04

MP envoyé pour ce lot si possible:

charades-gime me a funk (us promo copie) blue parot ex-ex
toba -moving up (vinyl bleu) ex-ex
t.j.johnson band i can make it good for you (uk high fashion music)
greg perry-it take heart (alfa records)ex-ex
the lastest-starting over (souled out promo) vg+-ex
dynasty- the second adventure (press us) vg+-ex
frank washington - ice (reed) nm-nm
mick jessup -take it easy (reed) nm-nm
klaps all the way you move (reed) nm-nm
maurice mcgee-do i do (ree fulltime) ex-ex
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gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. EmptySam 15 Mai 2010, 14:29

salut francky je préfère te dire non pour l'instant je préfèrerais faire partir le lot en entier je te tien au jus si je change d'avis ..
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Expert Funkysizer
Expert Funkysizer

Nombre de messages : 663
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2005

gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. EmptySam 15 Mai 2010, 14:51

Merci Fred, oui tiens moi au jus au cas où, c'est un super lot tu devrais trouver preneur. Je t'avais envoyé un MP hier : pour le consulter "messagerie" dans la banière.


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gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. EmptyMar 18 Mai 2010, 15:42

Salut Fred, est ce toujours en vente ? si oui peut on payer en deux fois et récupérer le lot à l'issu du paiement.
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gros lot de vinyl. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: gros lot de vinyl.   gros lot de vinyl. Empty

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