FUNKYSIZE --- > La Galaxie du Funk <--- FUNKYSIZE
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FUNKYSIZE --- > La Galaxie du Funk <--- FUNKYSIZE

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Expert Funkysizer
Expert Funkysizer

Nombre de messages : 663
Date d'inscription : 12/01/2005

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MessageSujet: CD à vendre   CD à vendre EmptyDim 04 Mar 2012, 20:43

CD à vendre Dscn4710CD à vendre Dscn4711
CD à vendre Dscn4712CD à vendre Dscn4713
CD à vendre Dscn4714CD à vendre Dscn4824

Voilà quelques CD à vendre, ils sont tous Mint, sans rayures, sans traces de doigts...Boitier d'origine mis sous plastique après ouverture. Photos sur demande

Paiement par chèque préféré ou Paypal + pig

AURRA “anthology” 2 cd salsoul 20 eur
BB &Q Band “six million times” 12
BB &Q Band same ptg 12
BB and Q Band “same” master of Funk & soul 12
BB&Q Band All night long 12
Best Of INSTANT FUNK charly US 12
Billy Ocean “life” double best of” 12
Billy Ocean “nights” 1st press JAP 30
Bobby Thurston “the main attraction” 15
Brother JOHNSON “light up the night” 6
Cheryl Lynn “in the night” 1st press JAP sans obi 15
Cold Fire “too cold” master of Funk & soul 20
Delegation “Deuces high” 1st press JAP 35
Delegation “the classic collection” 12
Dynasty “the second adventure” 25
Future flight “same” 1st press JAP 55
Gene DUNLAP “Tired of being a nice guy” master of Funk & soul 25
Glenn JONES “everybody loves a winner / Finesse” 55
High fashion “feelin’ lucky” 1st press JAP 45
Howard JOHNSON “keepin’ love new” 20
I.N.D “into dimensions” 40
JEWEL “cut’ n polished” 55
KHEMISTRY “same” 1st press JAP 55
Klique “let wear it out” 10
Lamont Dozier “bigger than life” 35
Lamont Dozier “same” 35
Lamont Dozier “working on you” 35
Leon BRYANT “finders keepers”20
Leon BRYANT same 20
Marz “make it right” 45
Maurice MASSIAH “seventh Heaven” UNIDISC 20
Melba Moore “the other side of rainbow” master of Funk & soul 15
Mystic Merlin “The Moon” master of Funk & soul 30
Narada Michael WALDEN “dance of life” 12
Ndugu & the chocolate Jam CO “do i make you feel better” 1st press JAP 50
Network “I need you” black cover 15
Noel POINTER “direct hit” master of Funk & soul 25
Norman CONNORS “MR C” 1st press JAP 45
One Way feat al Hudson “one way” original funk LP serie 15
Paradise “love is the answer” 10
Paradise “words midnight” 55
Salsoul Mastercuts “ the essential full length 12’’ 20
Second Image “same” 38
Second Image “strange reflections” 38
Shalamar “ big fun” US 15
Shalamar “Friends” US 20
Shalamar “Go for it” unidisc 15
Shalamar “three for love” US 15
Shotgun “lady choice” 30
T Connection Classics Masters 15
Tom BROWNE « magic » 1st press JAP 40
ZINGARA same 45
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