FUNKYSIZE --- > La Galaxie du Funk <--- FUNKYSIZE
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FUNKYSIZE --- > La Galaxie du Funk <--- FUNKYSIZE

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 Track ID Latin

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Apprenti Funkysizer
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Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2010

Track ID Latin Empty
MessageSujet: Track ID Latin   Track ID Latin EmptyVen 30 Juin 2023, 19:55

Hi, sorry to bother you, I've been looking for this song for a few years but no one in Italy knows it, can you help me?
This in Youtube Title " latin+disco " user Xltall Xltall
this is the file where the mysterious song is
is preceded by Ultravox - The Thin Wall (slow slow) and mixed with
The Andrea True Connection - What's Your Name What's Your Number
1000 Thank
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Track ID Latin
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